Thursday, May 22, 2008

pray for me I have pneumonia

please pray for me... I have been sick for going on three weeks, I went to the doctor monday evening and he thought I had broncitis well he percribed me 4 different kinds of medicine and it is not getting better.. so today I went to the hostpital and the ER doctor exrayed my chest and told me I had pneumonia in my right lung. he gave me predizone two breathing treatments and a shot I am at home now trying to see if anyone has a humidfier I think that will help me to sleep.

I have'nt been able to go to church for about two weeks hopefully this sunday I will be able to go back we are having a preacher there sunday the same one we had last sunday I am looking foward to hearing him my husband brought me home a tape.. and so far I really like his preaching I know God will send just who we need.

but anyway please pray for me as I try to get better I am gonna go get some rest.


Tori Leslie said...

Wow, I'm praying for you girl, hang in there, you'll be in church before you know it!

Sis. Julie said...

Thank you for calling me yesterday. I was sorry to hear about the pneumonia though. I pray you are well again very soon!! Love you and miss you!!

Karen said...

Feeling any better, Marsheila? I've been worried about you!

Marsheila said...

Thank you ladies for your concerns I am feeling some better but not all the way well yet it's just wanting to hang on I hope I never get this stuff again thank ya'll for all your prayers I love ya'll.

TO BECOME said...

I am so sorry to hear that you have been so ill. I am praying things are better for you very soon. I haven't been around because I have been sick myself. Hope you are better soon.

I know it is NO FUN missing church. Hopefully soon. connie from Texas

Sunny Days said...

Prayers for you to get better!! Great weight loss so far!! I'm just browsing by, looking for a little inspiration. take it easy and get your rest! :)

TO BECOME said...

I keep coming here, in hopes that I will see that you have posted again. I hope you are doing good. I have missed you. Take care. connie from Texas